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Professional use rodenticides from January 2026

Farm Assurance Scheme membership will not qualify as proof of competence for rodenticide use or purchase after 1st January 2026.

If your training certificate will be more than 5 years old (as of 1st January 2026) and you are not already a member of a CRRU UK Approved Scheme, then you will  need to join a scheme during 2025 (collecting the relevant points during the year) or renew your certificate to able to purchase and use professional rodenticides in 2026.

Currently the two CRRU approved CPD Schemes are:

  • BPCA Registered


We are organising an in person course, where you will receive a CRRU approved certificate at the end, which will allow you to purchase professional rodenticides for 5 years.  We can also signpost you to various avenues to do this training online if you wish.

If you would be interested in the course, require more information or wish to be signposted where to do the course online, please email

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